You need to be registered as a developer and have credentials to access Trackunit Manager. If you do not have that talk to your Trackunit representative. If you have an existing username for Trackunit Manager remember to include that in the request.
Trackunit will then make sure to enable the developer console inside manager that allows you to manage your IrisX Apps.
The App SDK needs certain tools to be on your machine:
- Node LTS (version 20.17.0)
- NX version 20.4.0
- Git
- WSL (Windows only)
To manage versions we recommend using something like Volta or similar to install node and nx.
We don't have any requirements on IDE but highly recommend Visual Studio Code with the following vscode extensions.
- GraphQL: Language Feature Support
- GraphQL: Syntax Highlighting
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- Jest Runner
Developers working on a Windows PC, should use WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux).
You can find more information about NodeJS development on Windows here,
and information on getting started with VS Code on WSL here.
Updated 19 days ago