Iris App Tokens and API access



This is a beta version and subject to change without notice. Pricing, terms, conditions and availability may change in the final version.

When launching your app the Trackunit Manager will provide a token for your app. For security purposes this token will not provide full access to all APIs but limited to the scopes specified in the app manifest.

Is it therefor required to specify the scopes required for your app to function correctly. Then specifying scopes the app may choose to mark a scope optional: true. This means that the user installing the app will able to deny that scope to the app.

So for example if the app requires access to show asset data, and may also change assets, but will function without. You can add something like this to your Iris App manifest:

  scopes: [
    { scope: "asset.view", optional: false },
    { scope: "account.asset.manage", optional: true },

The currently supported scopes are listed here:

account.access-management.manageCan manage Access Management
account.alert.manageCan manage alerts
account.alert.viewCan view alerts
account.api-key.manageCan manage API keys
account.asset.manageCan manage assets
account.audit-log.viewCan view audit logs
account.billing.manageCan manage billing
account.custom-fields.manageCan manage custom fields
account.customer.manageCan manage customers
account.deleteCan delete account
account.event.manageCan manage events report issue as event manage groups
account.manageCan manage account install apps from marketplace manage networks in service management view networks in service management
account.service-management.service-plan.assignment.manageCan manage assignment of service plans in service management
account.service-management.service-plan.assignment.reportCan report assignment of service plans in service management
account.service-management.service-plan.assignment.service-registration.registerCan manage service registration on service plans in service management
account.service-management.service-plan.assignment.service-registration.viewCan view service registration on service plans in service management
account.service-management.service-plan.assignment.viewCan view service plan assignments in service management
account.service-management.service-plan.manageCan manage service plans in service management
account.service-management.service-plan.viewCan view service plans in service management manage sites approve support access requests
account.user.manageCan manage users
account.viewCan view account
asset.viewCan view assets