Creating a new Iris App



This is a beta version and subject to change without notice. Pricing, terms, conditions and availability may change in the final version.

In this step, we will create a new app in the workspace. An app is the deployable unit that will contain all the extensions and configurations.

1. Use the Iris App SDK to generate your first Iris App

npx nx generate @trackunit/iris-app:create [name-of-your-app]

Note: If you did not use the @trackunit/create-iris-app-workspace CLI to generate your workspace, you must add the Iris App SDK first by executing:

npm install @trackunit/iris-app

2. A confirmation message will appear confirming that the command was successful.

UPDATE package.json
CREATE apps/app/project.json
CREATE apps/app/assets/
CREATE apps/app/iris-app-manifest.ts
CREATE apps/app/package.json
CREATE apps/app/src/index.ts
CREATE apps/app/tailwind.config.js
CREATE apps/app/
CREATE apps/app/tsconfig.json
CREATE apps/app/webpack.config.ts

3. Your first Iris App will be In the apps folder.

⊒ apps
   ⊒ [name-of-your-app]/
      ⊒ assets/
      ⊒ src/
      ⊒ iris-app-manifest.ts
      ⊒ package.json
      ⊒ project.json
      ⊒ tailwind.config.js
      ⊒ tsconfig.json
      ⊒ webpack.config.ts
   ⊒ .gitkeep

Next you should extend your Iris App with an extension to actually add some content.