
Trackunit APIs use common HTTP codes to indicate a success or a failure of a request.

2xx Successful responses

Most common response codes used across Trackunit APIs in this category include:

  • 200 OK - requested operation was completed successfully, and a valid JSON representation of the result was returned (e.g. a Group was successfully updated)
  • 201 Created - requested resource was successfully created (e.g. a new Group was successfully created)
  • 204 No Content - requested operation was completed successfully, however no JSON response was returned (e.g. Assets were successfully added to the group)

3xx Redirection responses

4xx Client error responses

Most common response codes used across Trackunit APIs in this category include:

  • 400 Bad Request - request was invalid (e.g. a telematics device was already onboarded on Trackunit platform)
  • 401 Unauthorized - valid authentication credentials were missing in the request
  • 403 Forbidden - provided credentials were insufficient to access a requested resource or perform a requested operation
  • 404 Not Found - requested resource was not found

5xx Server error responses

Most common response codes used across Trackunit APIs in this category include:

  • 500 Internal Server Error - an unexpected error occurred in the API. This might be due to a bug or temporary infrastructure problems.

Error Object

Apart from the standard HTTP code, error responses also contain a JSON object with additional information about the error. The intent for such an error objects is to offer a standardised way to communicate use-case specific errors. Such errors may require individual handling in the consumer implementation. A key element in this case is the code attribute (see ② below). Consumer code may use it to distinguish between different error cases. Please refer to the documentation of a specific API operation for a list of applicable error codes.

    ① "status": 400,
    ② "code": "exactly_one_telematics_device_is_required",
    ③ "message": "Exactly one telematics device is required to onboard an asset. The request was missing a telematics device or had more then one telematics device."

① HTTP status code of the response
② Error code (snake case) that can be used by the consumer code to distinguish between different errors
③ Error message providing an explanation of the error

Constraint violation errors contain additional violations attribute (see ④ below) that enlists all the fields, in which some constraint was violated.

    ④ "violations": [
            "field": "name",
            "message": "value '' was rejected: must not be empty"
    "message": "Constraint violation",
    "status": 400,
    "code": "constraint_violation"