Get device state

The telematics device state data includes both a reported and a desired state:

  • The reported state represents how the device is actually configured.
  • Latest configuration attempts of a telematics device will be visible in the desired state. Currently it includes configuration states for the following:
    • Bluetooth advertising
    • CAN profile
    • Input filtering
    • Output1 mode
    • Modbus profile
    • Operating mode
    • Input names
  • The desired and reported state might not show the same. This indicates that the desired state is being synchronised to the telematics device.
  • Reported state might also include additional information like:
    • Activity Detection for canbus. This indicates if the Telematics Device has been wired to the canbus and is capable of sending CAN data.

Illustrative example

Following is some examples on how the state can be interpreted for a CAN Profile configuration.

    "reported": {
        "canbus": {
            "profile": {
                "name": "Profile 1",
                "id": 123
    "desired": {
        "canbus": {
            "profile": {
                "name": "Profile 1",
                "id": 123

Both the desired and reported state shows the same CAN Profile. This means that the last configured CAN Profile has been successfully deployed to the telematics device.

    "reported": {
        "canbus": {
            "profile": {
                "name": "Profile 1",
                "id": 123
    "desired": {
        "canbus": {
            "profile": {
                "name": "Profile 2",
                "id": 456

The desired and reported state shows a different CAN Profile. This means that the last configured CAN Profile is not the same as the actual CAN Profile on the telematics device. The desired state is still being synchronised and will eventually be deployed to the telematics device.

Be aware that telematics devices might be in areas with no network connectivity or in an operational state where it would be inappropriate to update. In these cases, synchronisations might take hours or even days. There’s no timeout and the telematics device will be updated when possible.


OpenAPI Specification for the Telematics Device API domain

Get the OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger), which is a standardized format that describes the functionalities, endpoints, parameters, and data models of this API in a JSON file here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!