Partially update the state of a telematics device by setting a desired state. Partially update means that only configurations in the update will be changed. Any configurations not set will be ignored and remain unchanged. Multiple configurations can be changed in one update.
Currently the configurations are limited to the following but will be expanded over time:
- CAN Profile configuration
- Input filtering configuration
- Set output mode
- Setup Bluetooth advertising
- Change input name
- Setup Modbus profile
- Setup Operating Mode
The states that are available for a given telematics device vary by device type, customer and firmware versions. See the Get desired state documentation endpoint to fetch the list of available states for a given telematics device.
Examples on how to update a desired state of a telematics device
Configure the CAN Profile to “Profile 1” with id 123:
"desired": {
"canbus": {
"profile": {
"id": 123
Configure both the CAN Profile and inputFiltering in one update:
"desired": {
"canbus": {
"profile": {
"name": "MPV test 2",
"id": 329
"io": {
"inputFiltering": {
"enabled": "true"
Use the Get device state to follow up on the execution.
Configure both Operating Mode and adding input name in one update:
"desired": {
"operatingMode": {
"mode": "normal"
"input2": {
"name": "Ignition",
OpenAPI Specification for the Telematics Device API domain
Get the OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger), which is a standardized format that describes the functionalities, endpoints, parameters, and data models of this API in a JSON file here.