Get asset

This API request can be used to get a specific asset by its ID.

To be able to call the service a valid token is required. To get a token follow this guide: How to obtain a token


Also access data connected to an Asset via the GraphQL API

Via the Public GraphQL API, you can utilize query capabilities to fetch data connected to an asset and other domains which would be multiple separate calls in the REST APIs. Explore the GraphQL schema through our GraphQL Explorer. Follow the 'asset' subgraph and fetch additional data points like e.g. location, current activity or criticality status and usage summary.


OpenAPI Specification for the Assets API domain

Get the OpenAPI Specification (formerly Swagger), which is a standardized format that describes the functionalities, endpoints, parameters, and data models of this REST API in a JSON file here.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!